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Fun in the bath time!

Bath time should be fun! The Lorys Kids line seeks to bring the necessary joy to children's baths. With a playful and fantastic look, it transports the child to where they want, in addition to the special and delicious fragrances.

The line has 6 amazing versions for each type of child! Each version contains Shampoo, Conditioner and Combing Cream, the classic Blue and Red versions even have a themed Liquid Soap to complete!

Lorys Kids Blue Shake

*Shampoo and conditioner only

*Apenas shampoo e condicionador


tutti-frutti scent

With a sweet, irresistible Tutti-Frutti scent, it's perfect for curious and intelligent little ones who like to dream!

• Hypoallergenic

• Does not Irritate the Eye

• Vegan*


raspberry touch

The warm and vibrant colors are responsible for stimulating energy, with the kids on a day of surfing to liven up the bath.

Hypoallergenic •

Does not Irritate the Eye •

Vegan* •

*Shampoo and conditioner only

Lorys Kids Red Shake
Lorys Kids Green Shake

*Shampoo and conditioner only

*Apenas shampoo e condicionador


green apple fragrance

For children who are passionate about nature and outdoor activities. Its colors represent growth and harmony, essential in the evolution of life.

• Hypoallergenic

• Does not Irritate the Eye

• Vegan*


peach scent

For kids who love fun and radical sports! Combination that represents all the energy of the little ones.

Hypoallergenic •

Does not Irritate the Eye •

Vegan* •

*Shampoo and conditioner only

Lorys Kids Yellow Shake
Lorys Kids Purple Shake

*Shampoo and conditioner only

*Apenas shampoo e condicionador


delicious grape scent

Colors linked to the awakening mystery feelings like adrenaline, symbolized on the packaging by the playground.  Perfect for brave adventurers!

• Hypoallergenic

• Doesn't Burn the Eye

• Vegan*


sweet smell of orange

It symbolizes the eternal presence of summer that illuminates, affects and unites friendship and family. Count with the smell of orange candy.

Hypoallergenic •

Doesn't Burn the Eye •

Vegan* •

*Shampoo and conditioner only

Lorys Kids Orange Shake
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